YouTube Videos
Literally, this is just a page full of links to youtube videos I like. Enjoy?
Sorted by topic of discussion.
- Neil Gaiman is a Monster, Not a Master (Evie Lupine)
Political Figures
- MAP Walsh is Hiding Something (Foreign Man in a Foreign Land)
- The YouTube Predator Who Started A Cult (iNabber)
Health & Science Related
Anti-Vaccination Movement
- Anti-Vaxxed: Covid Denialism (Caelan Conrad)
- Anti-Vaxxed: From Cowpox to Conspiracy (Caelan Conrad)
- The Dangers of Homeopathy (Caelan Conrad)
United States
- The CIA's Wildest 1960s Shenanigans (FLESH SIMULATOR)
- We Tried Out CIA Torture Techniques (Boy Boy)
I dunno how to organize these, sorry.
- Inside Japan's WORST TINY APARTMENT (Tokyo Lens)
- Inside Osaka's WEIRDEST Tiny Apartment (Tokyo Lens)
- Inside Tokyo's CHEAPEST Tiny Apartment - $100 (Tokyo Lens)
- Inside Tokyo's CRAZIEST TINY Apartment (Tokyo Lens)
- Inside Tokyo's TINIEST Luxury Apartment (Tokyo Lens)
Mental Health
- Autistic in Japan: My Experience Living as an Autistic Person in Japan (Learn Japanese with Taiki)
- Transphobia: An Analysis (Philosophy Tube)
Media Related
- Horror Books Have Lost Their Identity (In Praise of Shadows)
Lost Media
- The Darkest Lost Media [Vol. 3] (Nexpo)
Shock Sites
Overlaps with true crime, in some ways. Including videos about shock sites and videos about content originally hosted on shock sites.
- The Horrific Content of Dr. Gloves (Shrouded Hand)
Social Media
- Reddit is a Psy-Op (FLESH SIMULATOR)
Music Videos
- Good Boy (Patriarchy)
Hip-Hop & Rap
- Antidepressants (bbno$)
- Punk Tactics (Joey Valence & Brae)
- Two (bbno$)
Witch House
- Where is my home? (IC3PEAK)
Activism & Protests
- How Capitalism Destroys Radical Movements (Second Thought)
- Why Peaceful Protest Won't Solve Anything (Second Thought)
American Politics
Mostly not election focused.
- Capitalism and Monopolies: How Five Companies Control All US MediaM= (Second Thought)
- How Left is the American Left...and Why Didn't Socialism Catch on Here? (Second Thought)
- The Invention of Individual Responsibility (Then & Now)
- The Problem with American Education (Second Thought)
- Why American Fascism is on the Rise (Second Thought)
- Introduction to the History of Anarchism (Then & Now)
- What is (and is not) Anti-Fascism? (Renegade Cut)
- What is Antifa? (Debunking Myths About Antifa) (Radical Reviewer)
- Antisemitism: An Analysis (Philosophy Tube)
- Capitalism Really Sucks, But Why? (Hakim)
- How Capitalism Ruined Work (Second Thought)
- Why Are So Many People Losing Faith in Capitalism? (Second Thought)
- The Myth of Upward Mobility (Second Thought)
Climate Change
- Climate Denial: A Measured Response (Hbomberguy)
- How Fascists are Taking Advantage of Climate Change (Second Thought)
Culture War Nonsense
...for lack of a better term, I suppose. Stuff about dogwhistles and right wing fearmongering. That sort of thing.
- A Brief History of the Culture War (Tom Nicholas)
- Cancel Culture: Fear of the Mob (Tom Nicholas)
- How "Cultural Marxism" Became the Far Right's Scapegoat (Three Arrows)
- How the Far Right Weaponizes Nostalgia (Thought Slime)
- The Frankfurt School: From a Failed Revolution to Critical Theory (Tom Nicholas)
- How to Spot a (Potential) Fascist (Tom Nicholas)
- MAGA and Fascism (Renegade Cut)
Also putting stuff about abortion rights here.
- Making a Girlboss: Patriarchy, Social Reproduction and Neoliberal Subjectivity (JohntheDuncan)
- The Bible Does Not Condemn Abortion (Renegade Cut)
Gender Critical
- Gender Critical: Conversion Therapy (Caelan Conrad)
- Gender Critical: Fascism (Caelan Conrad)
- Gender Critical: Recruitment (Caelan Conrad)
Hate Groups
- The Proud Boys are Dangerous - Know Your Fash (Thought Slime)
- Islamophobia: An Analysis (Philosophy Tube)
- Islamophobia in the United States (Renegade Cut)
- How Neoliberalism Ruined the World (Chill Goblin)
- Neoliberalism: Class War and Pacification (JohntheDuncan)
- Neoliberalism: From Ronald Reagan to the Gig Economy (Tom Nicholas)
- Why Liberalism Won't Solve Anything (Second Thought)
- Marxist Literary Criticism: WTF? An Introduction to Marxism and Culture (Tom Nicholas)
- Marx's Kapital For Beginners (Radical Reviewer)
- The Myth of a Free Press: Media Bias Explained (Tom Nicholas)
- Think Tanks: How Fake Experts Shape the News (Tom Nichols)
- Palestine (Shaun)
Patriotism & Nationalism
- "They Hate America!" - Weaponizing Patriotism (Renegade Cut)
- A History of Violence - Should We Defund the Police?! [Part 1] (NonCompete)
- Cops Are Liars (Renegade Cut)
- How Being a Cop Broke My Brain (The Dang Dad)
Race & Racism
- Critical Race Theory an Introduction (Radical Reviewer)
Sex Work
- Sex Work (Philosophy Tube)
- A Future Beyond Capitalism? Socialism Explained. (Second Thought)
- Why Do Socialists Care About Intersectional Liberation Movements? (Second Thought)
- Why Would Anybody Work Under Socialism? (Second Thought)
- You're Probably Already a Socialist (Second Thought)
Really don't know where to put any of these, actually.
- The Suburban Wasteland: How the 'Burbs Bankrupt Us (Eco Gecko)
- The Suburban Wasteland: How the 'Burbs Eviscerate the Environment (Part 1) (Eco Gecko)
- The Suburban Wasteland: How the 'Burbs Eviscerate the Environment (Part 2) (Eco Gecko)
- Gaza is a Testing Ground (Second Thought)
The Alt-Right Playbook
Fantastic series, highly recommend. By Innuendo Studios. Start with the introduction!
- Always a Bigger Fish
- Control the Conversation
- Endnote 1: What I Mean When I Say "The Right"
- Endnote 2: White Fascism
- How to Radicalize a Normie
- I Hate Mondays
- Mainstreaming
- Never Play Defense
- The Card Says Moops
- The Death of a Euphemism
- The Ship of Theseus
- You Go High, We Go Low
White Supremacy
- Left Wing White Supremacy? (JohntheDuncan)
- Whiteness: WTF? White Privilege and the Invisible Race (Tom Nicholas)
- Whitewashing 101: How to Rewrite Black History (Second Thought)
- Zionists are Crybabies (Thought Slime)
True Crime
I really don't know how to do sub-categories. It might switch between video length and type of crime a few times before I settle on a secret third thing.
Incel Crimes
- Killer Writes Fanfiction About Himself, Is Immediately Caught (Dreading)
- When a Killer Vlogs His Murders (Explore With Us)
School Shooters/Stabbers
Serial Killers
- Serial Killing for Fun and Profit (Flesh Simulator)
...Everything Else?
No way I could make sections for these. Check these out:
- Metallica's discography but only when they say parts of a car (Nandead studios)