About Me!
Hi! I'm the person running this website! You can call me R. I'm a 27 year old transmasc guy who does things. During my free time, I like to do digital art, play video games, read and research things for fun. And update this site, occasionally. My toxic trait is enjoying League of Legends. I keep a commonplace book. I never know what to say about myself, but it felt weird to just have a few lists here and nothing else.
I have a little blog for this site, located here!
Currently Reading: Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics by Marc Lamont Hill & Mitchell Plitnick
Currently Watching: Twin Peaks
Currently Playing: Avowed, Mass Effect 2
On Repeat: Start Even by Tex Williams

Basic Information
- 27 years old
- Nonbinary FTM (he/him or they/them)
- Bisexual, taken
- Anarcho-Communist
- IWW member
- Pagan & Occultist
- History major
- Goth-flavored Punk
- Horror Enthusiast
- Kinkster
- Furry (here's a little doodle of my fursona)
- 日本語おべんきょうしています!
More: pronouns.page

Fandoms & Interests
In no particular order...
- Dragon Age
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
- Mass Effect
- Ensemble Stars
- Furry Fandom
- Pillars of Eternity
- Fallout (mostly New Vegas)
- Politics
- Assassin's Creed
- Apex Legends
- Fate Series
- Film, in a very boring way
- Baldur's Gate
- Music, also in a very boring way
- ...many other things!
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