Hroki Brosca: Relationships

Relationships will be categorized, then organized alphabetically.


Bhelen Aeducan

Hroki's brother-in-law. Hroki dislikes Bhelen, partially because she dislikes nobility in general and because she finds him unbearable to be around. The only positive trait he possesses is that he makes her sister happy.

Endrin Aeducan

Hroki's nephew. She adores her nephew, and wants him to grow up to be nothing like his father.


Hroki's mabari hound. She dotes on him.

Kalah Brosca

Hroki's mother. Hroki and her mother have a strained relationship due to Kalah's dismissive and, occassionally, emotially abusive treatment of Hroki and her sister. Hroki loves her mother, she supposes, and wants her to do well, but she feels bitter about her childhood. Her mother began treating her more fairly after moving into the royal palace with Rica and after the fifth Blight. It was an odd change of pace that she never quite got used to. Even though she knew it was probably genuine, it never felt like it to her.

Rica Brosca

Hroki's half-sister. Hroki and Rica have a relatively close relationship and tend to get along quite well. Hroki is glad that she's doing well, despite her dislike of Bhelen.

Friends and Companions


Hroki had a short lived relationship with a noble girl as a teenager. The girl was an Aeducan, and has since come out as a transgender man, though Hroki herself is unaware of this information.

Alistair Theirin

Alistair and Hroki are friends, though they don't always see eye to eye. They had plenty of disagreements during the fifth Blight, but remain friends to this day.


Hroki had an intimate encounter with Isabela (and Zevran!) at The Pearl in Denerim during the fifth Blight.


Leliana and Hroki weren't particularly close.


Hroki's best friend, prior to him betraying her after she left Dust Town. Hroki had romantic feelings for Leske that she never acted on.


Hroki and Morrigan got along quite well, with Hroki considering Morrigan one of her closest friends (perhaps even her closest friend, period) and she suspects that Morrigan felt the same way. She had a crush on Morrigan briefly after they began traveling together.


Hroki and Oghren had a casual friendship. Nothing to write home about.


Sten and Hroki ended up developing a close friendship and Hroki would consider Sten one of her best friends.

Zevran Arainai

Love of her life. Hroki doesn't travel anywhere without her favorite Antivan Crow by her side. She didn't expect the relationship to go much further than a hookup, but she is glad it did. Zevran is the best thing to ever happen to her and she feels lucky to have his support. Her love for him is part of why she is so motivated to find a cure for the Calling.

Other Associates


Carta boss. She worked under Behrat for several years before leaving Dust Town to help the Grey Wardens against the Blight. She dispised the man and hated the way he talked about her sister, Rica.


The first human she ever respected. His loss affected her greatly, though not as much as it did Alistair. She hopes they would have made him proud.

Loghain Mac Tir

The first human she had absolutely zero respect for.

Pryderi Lavellan

While she never had the pleasure of meeting them, what she heard about them impressed her. She hopes they cross paths one day.

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